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Consulting and Coaching

We are all continually called upon to develop attitudes, make decisions and find our way in the face of challenges, both private and professional. In such situations it is helpful to have a counterpart, such as provided by coaching and consulting.

My subject areas:

  • Evaluation of the situation: am I still doing the right thing? Is all this still right?

  • Positioning in a new role

  • Search for creative solutions

  • Personal value system

  • Life Balance / Burnout Prophylaxis

  • Stress reduction, tension regulation, body oriented and mindfulness based

Methods and formats:

I use verbal dialogue as well as analogue and creative media and apply body-oriented, mindfulness-based techniques according to the situation. I am also open regarding setting: Coaching does not necessarily have to take place "indoors".

Contact me for a first conversation. I look forward to getting to know you.


Annatina Escher Koromzay   |  Beratung Entwicklung Supervision  |  Vogelsangstrasse 48  |  8006 Zürich  |  +41 79 699 37 12


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